Broccoli is one of the healthiest green veggie you can eat ! . Broccoli contains a compound called sulforaphane which is known for cancer-fighting. It also helps reduce blood pressure.
Sweet potato provides around 115 calories and 4 grams of blood-sugar-balancing fiber.Sweet potatoes are packed with beneficial nutrients like vitamin A, vitamin C, and manganese.
Fresh mushrooms are filled with nutrients like vitamin D, selenium, zinc, copper, and B vitamins,”. Mushrooms are the excellent source of vitamin D.
“Beans are high plant-based protein. They’re also a great source of potassium, which supports cardiovascular health and reduces blood pressure, it also improving blood sugar control
Leafy green veggies, including spinach, kale, etc should also be part of your diet. Green vegetables reduce the risk of cancer and are a great source of lutein and many other source of vitamins also.
Fruits like tomatoes are full with antioxidants like vitamin C.
Green Peas
Green peas and other pulses are low glycemic index foods, which means they don't typically spike blood sugar.
Vitamins K, C, A, and B6, folate, and manganese are all found in abundance in kale.
Bell Peppers
Bell peppers are fruits, though most people use them as vegetables.
Onions' bioactive components provide a variety of health advantages.